For post-operative and medical weight loss patients only! Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2305 678 9297 Meeting password: tK9gSPMvn76
Eating Healthy on the Road. Led by Andrea Allen, RD. 4:00pm-4:45pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2314 952 2916 Meeting password: qhEHe8u3SG8
Staying on Track. Led by Mary Gray Hixson, RD. 11:30am-12:30pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2307 3739 652 Meeting password: RexBariatrics123
Cooking Along with a Dietitian for Summer. Led by Hannah Hicks, RD. 5:00pm-5:30pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2309 014 1094 Meeting password: RexBariatrics123
Self-Care Summer: How to Practice Self-Care Webinar. Led by Dr. Clinton Bolton. 5:30pm-6:30pm. Click Here to join. Webinar number (access code): 2301 342 7799 Webinar password: 8nwVmVk4ux3 (86986854 when dialing from a video system)
Pre-op Revision Class. Led by Dr. Clinton Bolton. 5:00pm-6:00pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2303 732 9695 Meeting password: SFkFTpnS367
Smoking Cessation. Led by Dr. Joanna Schechner. 5:30pm-6:30pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2313 620 8610 Meeting password: SwVbPm7mK36
Grocery Store Tour. Led by Margaret Bova, RD. 10:00am-11:00am. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2302 322 5280 Meeting password: Rexbariatrics123
Breaking Out of the Box. Led by Mary Gray Hixson, RD. 12:00pm-1:00pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2311 392 7673 Meeting password: RexBariatrics123
Support Group: Cottage Cheese Cooking Class. Led by Rex Bariatrics' Dietitians. 5:30pm-6:30pm. In- Person Only: Nutrition Classroom 4207 Lake Boone Trail Raleigh, North Carolina
Summer Snacks. Led by Lauren Hawley, RD. 6:00pm-7:00pm. Click Here to join. Meeting number (access code): 2316 236 1924 Meeting password: RexBariatrics123